Hidden Or Missed Car Accident Injuries
Category: Legal Nurse
Author: Georgina Tyburski
Posted: Friday - September 3, 2021
There are over 6 million car accidents every year in the U. S., and nearly half of these lead to injury, disability or death. The nature of car accidents means that victims can be exposed to serious injuries with heavy physical and financial consequences. In addition to the injuries sustained in the immediate moment of impact, car accidents can often carry a wide array of hidden or missed injuries, many which can get progressively worse. These types of injuries are known as “delayed onset injuries.”
Delayed onset injuries can be especially devastating for victims whose accidents were caused by the recklessness or negligence of another party. It means that they might be unable to account for their current and future needs as they fight to claim compensation.
This is why it’s so important for those who have suffered a car accident injury to check in with a doctor and get a proper, in-depth medical examination.
Common Types of “Hidden Injuries” in Car Accidents
That said, awareness can help anyone be on the lookout for delayed onset injuries. Many of these injuries are hard to catch in the moment because you might not feel any pain or other signs of injury such as bleeding or broken/fractured bones.
Below are some of the common types of delayed onset injuries seen in victims of car accidents.
Whiplash and neck injuries: When a car collides against something, its occupants are jerked violently in place. This can cause muscle injuries in the neck, back, and other areas, as well as strain. The injury and debilitating pain can take time to set in.
Concussions: Another potential injury caused by the whiplash of impact is a concussion, where the brain rapidly accelerates and decelerates within the skull. Concussions can lead to many symptoms such as headaches, memory loss, mood swings, and more. They are serious injuries that can complicate quickly if ignored or left undetected.
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD): Car accidents, like any other type of traumatic event, can lead to post-traumatic stress disorder. Being afraid for your life and that of your passengers’, especially during those crucial split seconds, can have an effect on your mental state. Many times, PTSD can take weeks or even months before it manifests.
Legal Nurse Consultants Help Track the Source of Delayed Onset Injuries
In addition to consulting with doctors, many victims of car accidents hire attorneys to help them pursue their claims in court. Here’s where we help close the gap between the medical facts and the judicial system. Legal nurse consultants collaborate with attorneys and legal advocates to form a fact-based narrative that demonstrates the connection between a car accident and a delayed onset injury.
Legal nurse consultants excel at analyzing and assessing various sources of medical information, including medical records, hospital documents, accident deport, and more. They rely on their years of experience to interpret the key facts relevant to the case at hand.