
Legal Nurse Consultants And Toxic Tort

Category: Uncategorized     Author: Georgina Tyburski     Posted: Friday - January 15, 2016

Toxic TortAs qualified medical professionals, legal nurse consultants often play an important role in legal matters involving toxic tort. Their expertise and knowledge of medicine allows them to offer expert testimony and influence the outcome of a case.

What Is Toxic Tort?

A toxic tort involves a claim of harm that resulted from exposure to a dangerous substance. These substances can include medications, prescribed drugs, chemicals, pesticides, and more. Whether the exposure occurred at home or at work, victims of exposure to dangerous substances can and often choose to pursue litigation, which is where legal nurse consultants come into play.

Legal nurse consultants play a critical role, as their opinion is regarded as expert testimony. When working with cases involving toxic tort, legal nurse consultants contribute their expertise by:

  • Examining all relevant medical records

  • Informing attorneys on complicated medical matters

  • Preparing case documentation and chronological data

  • Offering testimony as an expert witness

  • Coordinating evidence with medical data

  • Educating involved parties on relevant scientific matters

The outcome of a toxic tort case is highly dependent on causation, which means that scientific evidence plays a pivotal role. Whether the defendant in a toxic tort case is an employer, a manufacturer, or an owner of the property where the exposure occurred, plaintiffs who are looking to pursue litigation are well-served by the assistance of a legal nurse consultant.

In sum, legal nurse consultants are a qualified authority on a variety of medical matters related to toxic tort. Their services, which involve analyzing documents, organizing reports, and offering expert testimony, are in shaping case outcomes.

If you or someone you know is involved with toxic tort, call us at 877.211.7562 to learn more about how our legal nurse consultants can help you.
