
Life Care Planners And The Services They Provide

Category: Uncategorized     Author: Georgina Tyburski     Posted: Friday - March 11, 2016

Life Care PlannerEarlier, we spent some time discussing the important role that life care planners fill in cases where catastrophic injury took place, covering topics such as the manner in which they collaborate with attorneys in the legal arena, and their expertise regarding Medicare Set Asides. However, the extent of their work spans a larger scope, so we decided to take this opportunity to expand upon this topic and examine other services offered by life care planners.

Cost Analysis And Breakdown

Relying on their in-depth familiarity of medical services, life care planners are able to provide you with a detailed breakdown of current and future costs for any specific type of illness or injury. This helps inform claims and ensure that an adequate medical reserve is set aside to treat the specific illness or injury at hand, as well as provide with ongoing evaluations that account for future treatments and costs.

Bill Reviews

A qualified life care planner is familiar with a wide range of medical costs for various types of injuries and illnesses. They can provide a comprehensive review all your medical expenses and costs to ensure that they are in line with the expected range, especially in circumstances that involve multiple injuries or illnesses.

Medical Equivalent Value Statement/Analysis

Life care planners are trained to read and interpret medical records, which they analyze to determine information such as the CPT code, HPCS code, or procedure that was performed in order to determine the usual & customary charge/value of the service.

These are just some of the additional services which life care planners provide. Remember, if you have any questions regarding life care planning, or if you are looking to speak to a qualified legal nurse consultant, be sure to reach out to us at Legal Nurse Consultants USA. Call us at 877.211.7562 today to schedule a free initial consultation.
