
The Opioid Epidemic And Medical Malpractice Suits

Category: Medical Malpractice     Author: Georgina Tyburski     Posted: Friday - January 4, 2019

Opioid EpidemicThe opioid crisis in the U. S. continues to ravage the nation, and it shows no signs of slowing down. According to the CDC, the opioid crisis carries an economic burden of over $70 billion on an annual basis, and about 90 Americans die of an opioid overdose each day. 

The opioid epidemic is a complex problem withi no simple solution. However, many have shifted their attention to the source of the crisis, or rather to the bigger contributing factors behind the epidemic. Most critics point the finger at the pharmaceutical companies, the entities who manufacture, distribute, and promote the opioids.

While pharmaceutical companies and other organizations within the opioid industry have rarely faced serious consequences for their role in the crisis, they are not entirely untouchable. Many across the nation have been fighting back with civil legal actions, including several major federal lawsuits and medical malpractice claims that have been levied against the pharmaceutical giants. 

How LNCs Advocate For Victims of Medical Malpractice

Medical malpractice suits involving opioids are on the rise and now account for 25% of all drug-related lawsuits. These lawsuits focus on issues such as overdose and wrongful death, negligent over-prescriptions and inaccurate dosages, and other acts of failure and negligence. Thus, medical professionals, pharmaceutical companies, and other responsible parties are finally being held accountable, provided that the medical malpractice suit is successful. 

A medical malpractice suit stands entirely on evidence, and the burden of proof is on the plaintiff. This means that he/she needs to be able to thoroughly prove all allegations in court. Legal nurse consultants are medical professionals who help attorneys and other legal professionals with their expertise. They perform essential tasks such as conducting and presenting research, identifying cause-and-effect relationships, writing reports, providing expert testimony, and more.

Fighting Back Against the Pharmaceutical Companies

Government bodies and individuals everywhere are ramping up the fight against the opioid epidemic via medical malpractice suits and other approaches. Legal nurse consultants work hand-in-hand with attorneys to identify negligence and errors with prescriptions and renewals, failure and oversights with dosage levels, and causes of wrongful death involving overdoses.

It is time for pharmaceutical companies and medical professionals to be held accountable for actions that have contributed to the opioid epidemic. If have questions about any matter relating to medical malpractice, or to speak with a qualified legal nurse consultant, know that you can reach out to us at Legal Nurse Consultants USA. Call us today at 877.211.7562 to schedule a free initial consultation.
